The Ministry

St. Gianna was strong in her Catholic faith. In her own life she experienced miscarriages and made the ultimate sacrifice of giving her own life for her daughter. You can read more about St. Gianna's story here.

St. Gianna, pray for us.

The Holy Spirit led us to create this ministry. One of the ministry founders, Christina, reached out through a local mother's group for support after experiencing pregnancy loss. What Christina did not expect was this pain that she was experiencing, was shared by many others. Lauren reached out to Christina for support. Christina and Lauren spoke on the phone and there was an instant connection. Their faith brought the two of them together. They reflected on strength of Mary, and how the intercession of the saints was helping them through the pain and suffering of losing a child.

At the end of the conversation they felt God's call to start this ministry. Shortly after, they started a virtual support group and met Kerri-Lynn. Kerri-Lynn shared the same call to start the ministry. The three share the desire to support mothers, fathers, and couples who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss.

We hope that our ministry will continue to grow. We would love to offer more services to families that are grieving and need support. If you have any ideas on how the ministry can grow and meet the needs of those experiencing infertility, pregnancy, or infant loss, please contact us.