The content posted is intended as general and for educational purposes only. Information gathered and shared is from reputable sources, however, the St. Gianna Molla ministry is not responsible for errors or omissions in reporting or explanation. St. Gianna Molla ministry gives no assurance or warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or applicability of the content.
Behavioral Health Disclaimer
Social media and this website are not a replacement for therapy. Posts are not intended to be a replacement for individual mental healthcare services. If you have any personal or clinical questions or concerns, please reach out to a mental health professional in your area. If you are worried about a behavioral health condition, please contact a therapist locally. If you are having thoughts of hurting yoursel for someone else, please call 988. However you may feel, your life is important and you should not delay or deny getting care.
Medical Disclaimer
The information provided here is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Never delay care for you or someone else based on what you read on this site. If you are worried about a medical problem, please contact your doctor, midwife, or another medical provider. If you are in a life-threatening situation, please call 911. However you may feel, your life is important and you should not delay or deny getting care.
Catholic Disclaimer
This site was compiled by lay Catholics. If there is any doubt regarding the correct teaching of the Catholic Church, please consult with your own priest or bishop. If you find something in error on this website, please contact us to bring it to our attention.